offers the distinctive quince character supported by citrusy and tropical aromas and accentual pear notes. Spicy cloves and zesty orange hints surround first impression of fruitiness.
is rich with citrus fruits melting into ripe pear, apple and exotic fruitiness. The spicy bouquet and the refreshing acidity lead to a long crisp finish, evoking the emotions of a perfect winter drink.
Our quince garden, Jánoshalma
Vranja, Leskovac, Mezőturi, and two others
Picked: 22nd October, 2016
Alcohol 43 %
2016 was a fairly ideal year in Jánoshalma. Following the mild winter, early bud breaking and long lasting flowering characterized the spring and early summer period. Unfortunately this mildness favored the fire blight too, causing a constant risk to the garden. Summer was hot and the relatively frequent rainfall provided not only the necessary watering, but the refreshment too. The long and dry autumn made it possible to leave the fruits hanging on trees until October, enabling the fruits to reach the 15-18 Brix, depending on the subvariety. The favorable weather allowed the fruits to develop the quince notes as well as a fairly spicy, tropical hint too.
Following the harvest the fruit is immediately transported to the distillery, where it is washed, hand selected and mashed. The perfect mashing was supported by macerating enzyme, while the fermentation process was initiated by the introduction of cultivated yeasts. Since the fruit was picked at perfect ripeness, additional acidification was not employed. The 9-day fermentation was helped by nutrient addition.
Koethe Distillers did the distillation process. The final spirit was then poured into a steel tank at 82-84-alcohol degree, where it rested until mid January 2017. Following the resting period the spirit was gradually watered to 50+-alcohol level, after which a new resting session was employed. The alcohol degree of the final pálinka was selected in a blind tasting session, different watered level spirits were tasted between 40 and 50 + degree. The ultimate blind tasting revealed that the spirit works best at 43-alcohol degree. The pálinka further rested until July 2017, when it was bottled. The final resting in bottled state lasted until November 2017, when the product was launched on the market.
Felső-Bácska (Upper Bácska) in the mid-southern part of Hungary is historically an important fruit producing region, with premium classification. The Jánoshalma sub region especially enjoys the favorable effects of the continental climate, on average it reaches 2000/2200 sunshine hours with the annual average temperature being around 10-12 C.
Though the annual rainfall, in the range of 550/750 mm is sometimes below the necessary water supply, the garden itself is situated in a lower altitude, higher moisture content area, satisfying the quince productions yearly demand.
The topsoil is black and brown arable land with high nutrient content, while the mineral rich calcareous subsoil ensures the necessary acidity vital for the fresh and crisp fruits with concentrated aroma and taste profile.
In order to achieve the most aroma possible and taste profile, the garden contents five subvarieties of quince, including mainly Vranja, responsible for the backbone of our quince pálinka.
The choice of subvarieties also reflects our belief, that the elegance of pear quince and the body and power of apple quince underpin the complexity of quince pálinka.
Masters' Quince Pálinka is available in the Masters' Online Webshop!